
When it’s summertime and cool inside your home, it’s difficult to tell if you have any area where heat is infiltrating. The reason for this is that you have it set at 70 degrees inside your home, while it might be 95 degrees outside, which is a 25 degree temperature differential.  But in the winter, you have your thermostat set at 70 degrees, but it may be 10 degrees outside, which is a 60 degree difference!  That is why we notice “cold drafts” in the wintertime but rarely notice “hot drafts” in the summer.

So, wintertime is an excellent time to have your efficiency tested!



We can come out and test your home to find out EXACTLY where you are losing energy and losing money.

At that point, we can make a determination whether:

a) you’d like us to solve the problem right then or

b) deal with it once the weather gets warmer.

There is power in knowledge, and this is a great way to get to know your home.  Further, you may well find that it is very efficient!  Or, you may find that you are losing heat through your roof, and you need to add insulation.

We are here to help you any way we can!  Call in to find out the cost of an efficiency test on your home.