
There are many myths circulating regarding log homes being difficult to upkeep and repair. Through our vast experience, we’ve found most of these myths to be false and wanted to take some time to address some of the main ones.

I can find a good stain for my log home at a local hardware store. 

FALSE. Trust us on this one! Using a local hardware store stain will cost you so much more in the long run. If you’re going to do this yourself, do your research to find quality log home stains formulated to specifically preserve logs. Ask another log home owner, or check out multiple websites. If you’re going to hire someone, do your research as well and consider us!

If the climate is dry, I don’t have to stain as frequently. 

FALSE. A stain doesn’t just repel moisture, it protects the logs from the sun and drying out. There are other methodologies to protecting your home from the sun, such as installing overhangs, but applying stain frequently helps keep your logs in optimal condition.

All log homes have problems with mold. 

This could be said for any surface and isn’t specific to just log homes. There are several aspects about the design of a log home that can contribute to mold, such as trees, backsplash, roofs that drip, etc. These things can cause mold and mildew, but are all preventable and treatable.

Maintaining my log home is complicated. 

We do recommend using professionals for yearly or extensive maintenance, but most of it can be quite simple. The key is keeping your logs clean.

In summation, maintenance “complications” should not deter anyone from owning, building, or purchasing a log home. As with any home, maintenance will be required. But there are specialists who are willing to help, as well as offer advice along the way.