
Log home restoration companies and log home owners (DIY-style) blast with a variety of products: iron oxide, sand, dry ice, soda, crushed recycled glass, walnut holes, corn cobs… the list goes on and on!

All come with their own unique advantages and disadvantages.  

In the log home industry, the most common blast media is crushed recycled glass.  This would be evidenced by not only the majority of restoration contractors using it but it also being the sole product sold by the largest log home product companies (Sashco and Permachink).  

Our second and third choices, respectively, would be walnut shells and corn cobs. These products, though, produce more dust and are not inert.  So after landing around your property they will decompose, which itself isn’t a bad thing, but many people have told us that the smell is similar to cat urine. 


We will continue with crushed glass as our preferred media unless a new, more advantageous media enters to the marketplace.